June 12, 2023
On May 2, 2023, the New York State Legislature passed a new law, the “Unmarked Burial Site Protection Act,” that for the first time regulates Native American remains and funerary-related artifacts found on private land. This law was incorporated into the State’s recently adopted FY 2023-2024 budget, which was then signed by Governor Kathy Hochul. Read More >
Unmarked Burial Site Protection Act – New York State Laws re: Native American Unmarked Graves
May 25, 2023
Large-scale energy and battery storage are playing a critical role in New York's plans for grid resilience and the transition to clean and sustainable energy for its residents. Read More >
New York Energy Storage – Battery Storage Siting and Permitting
May 08, 2023
The vast majority of New Yorkers live within coastal areas along the Hudson River, Long Island Sound, and Great Lakes. Although these areas account for a minor percentage of the State’s overall land mass, the population densities far outpace landlocked communities, often resulting in competing, if not conflicting, demands for economic development and conservation. Read More >
Local Waterfront Revitalization Programs (LWRPs) – New York State Coastal Management Programs
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