With the launch of our new website, we formally introduce the firm’s new brand identity. As with any logo, it really is intended to crystalize how we see ourselves and the way we want our clients to think of us.

For those of you who haven’t had the opportunity in your business careers to undertake a branding exercise, let me just say it’s a process that takes an open mind and tremendous commitment from everyone in an enterprise. As our firm’s marketing partner and the one primarily responsible for managing our rebranding over the course of the past year, I can say it is also enormously rewarding.

Once embarked on, organizations have the real opportunity for introspection and are forced to articulate their most important values. Surveys of those inside and outside also reveal important new information about a company’s core strengths and opportunities for growth.

Cuddy & Feder - law firm logo

It’s not easy to forge consensus among a group of strongly opinionated lawyers, but I am pleased to say that this new presentation of our name and look captures what we heard from you about our firm and what differentiates us from others.

A well-designed logo ultimately captures, represents and reinforces its values by providing a constant visual reminder, in the case of a law firm, of how it strives to serve clients. If you take a moment and look at our new brand mark you’ll start to see critical elements of who we are at Cuddy & Feder:

  • Our attorneys’ creative “out of the box” thinking and multifaceted approach towards solving client legal issues is aptly represented by the graphic elements in the upper left and lower right of the mark which suggests the frame of a 3D box and the point of an arrow for direction.
  • The firm’s strength and focus is captured in the strong bold presentation of the firm’s name in all capital letters.
  • The traditional law firm ampersand has been replaced with a “+” to describe the positive results we achieve for our clients and our outlook in serving them and the communities in which we practice.
  • The color palette with dark blue anchors us to our tradition and culture, and light blue harkens to the bright outlook ahead of us.

It’s not easy to forge consensus among a group of strongly opinionated lawyers, but I am pleased to say that this new presentation of our name and look captures what we heard from you about our firm and what differentiates us from others. Of course, a new brand identity is only a mark – It’s up to our lawyers and staff to demonstrate in practice every day how we live up to our values!

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The following materials, and all other materials on this website, are intended for informational purposes only, are not to be construed as either legal advice or as advertising by Cuddy & Feder LLP or any of its attorneys, and do not create an attorney-client relationship between you and Cuddy & Feder LLP. Please seek the advice of an attorney before relying on any information contained herein.


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